Since 1993

What We Do

EMVY is a company dedicated to helping startups and established corporations save time, money and energy by launching new technology products the right way, with the correct target customers, design, price, and features. We do so by designing, executing, and analyzing market-fit experiments to determine the viability of new products.
Simply put, we validate markets by  identifying and capturing paying customers - quickly, and at low cost.

How We Do It


Gain Knowledge

In collaboration with the client, we learn about the new product, markets, and customer development. 


Design & Launch Tests

Working with our team of industry experts, we then set-up the experiments and initiate them.


Analyze & Iterate

We analyze the initial data, augment the testing being done based on lessons, and continue the experiment.



Wrap up the experiment, summarize outcomes, and discuss conclusions with the company. Launch, scrap or pivot with confidence!

When to Use Emvy

Companies use EMVY once they THINK they know what the perfect product is for the right customer. We help them BE CERTAIN that is true before they spend money developing and launching.

Our goal is to acquire customers for companies, which will provide immediate revenue and get them ready for a more significant launch, OR learn that the market is not viable as the product is currently designed, giving companies the power to change course.

Next Steps...

We work with our clients to ensure projects are timely and cost-effective. Contact us to discuss your new product.